TSR ENERGO s.r.o. is a Slovak supplier of fuel gases and technological gases for manufacturers of aerosoles, polyethylene foam based isolation materials, and others. Our company has access to a logistical infrastructure allowing distribution to customers all over Europe.
Our sortiment of fuel gases and technological gases reflects the differences and special requirements of individual manufacturers and takes into account the needs of every single customer.
We hold a certificate allowing an operation of a custom warehouse which allows us to have a constant source of gas and therefore react to the requirements and orders in real-time.
Isobutane – is colourless, flammable, odourless, liquid oil-based gas.
It is used in industrial and technological production as a non-toxic environmentally safe cooler without an impact on the ozone layer, as a fuel gas for aerosole, in extrusion of polyethylene and polypropylene, et cetera.
We deliver isobutane and its mixtures according to the concrete requirements and needs of the customer with regards to the parameters of the gas, while we place high emphasis on the purity of the gas.
We transport the clean, non-odoured Isobutane with our own tanks which are used solely for the purpose.